ViewAce -Multimedia Network Teaching System

/ / HowYar / June 27, 2024


Corpacer Malaysia is thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership with Howyar, the researcher for ViewAce. This collaboration aims to enhance our service offerings and deliver even greater value to our clients through innovative solutions and shared expertise.

With various functions in โ€œViewAce multimedia network teaching systemโ€, including broadcasting of multimedia video content, remote monitor and assistance of student exercise, online interaction with students, remote control over the teaching process and the management of computer equipments, etc. Teacher can easily manage the functions above from Console directly.


ViewAce has various โ€œBroadcast Teachingโ€ function, variety of teaching resources on teacher PC can be transferred instantly to student PCs through the execution of system function. In this way, students can see clearly and better understanding the content from their seats.

To subscribe or know more about ViewAce, kindly send your inquiries to us now!

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